Thursday, April 25, 2013

Its the little things...

Helllloo, so I am so happy because while I was bored in my morning classes I was going through my agenda book and omfg I definitley counted that I have 5 days of actual classes left....Not sure if it is just me but this semester has absolutely been one of the most stressful. Probably because I have major senioritis & CANNOT wait to graduate. which I;m sure all of my fellow college students can relate!
So lets see what have I been up too.. oh well last week I had a convention for work which was awesome because it is held down at Atlantic City, New Jersey. Omg I was so excited i made sure I didn't have anything due and took a day off of classes to go. It was great to relax and not have to worry about deadlines and have some fun with my work ladies. Especially since Zoey's passing I have been in a yuck yuck mood. ohh btw I posted this on fb & instagram earlier....
My sister found Zoey's baby picture .. not the original so its scratchy but had to post.
We miss her soo much :( Our rolly polly baby turned into a beautiful adult German Shepherd<3

Of course the sky had to be dreary looking but it was still pleasant. Oh and P.S. Yeahh umm that Margaritaville pic is the newest place they are opening up on the A.C. Boardwalk.. cannot wait til this place opens.. nom nom nom
So during the convention they had a cabaret night, and they got Liza Manelli (sp?) to come and perform.. Isn't HE beautiful? They also had fortune tellers, photobooth, characatures & of course drinks and food. It was a lot of fun. 
So I am so thankful that tomorrow is Friday :) wooohoooo!! Tomorrow movies and dinner with the love, hopefully Saturday I'm going to get my new phone cause mines a pos... mostly the reason why I've been MIA on here lately. & Sunday flea marketing (yes I made it a verb) with the hubby<3 

-Annastasia xox

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

RIP my beautiful Zoey xox

Welp.. I haven't been much into a socializing mood lately.  On Saturday we had to put down our German Shepherd Zoey. I am completely heart sick. She was our baby girl.. I just cannot believe this had to happen.  I know we did the right thing because she clearly was suffering Saturday night when I came home my mom was laying on the floor with her.. she could not breathe the dr believed she had lymphoma of lungs. And a week previous to that she started losing her eye site. It all happened so fast she was perfectly fine 3 weeks ago and it slowly progressed everyday. Im just glad my love isnt suffering anymore. Our other animals who she was practically a mother to, are so lost without her, looking everywhere they are so confused... ugh Can't wait til this week is OVER :(

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Never Have I Ever....

*Never have I ever: Link-Up

Never have I ever;

Been on a plane
I know.. who hasn't been on a plane right? It's NOT because i'm scared at all! I would have to have a window seat so I can take pics of the beautiful clouds, urg I want to do this! That is definitely one of the things on my bucket list! 

Watched one of those gangster movies like Godfather, Goodfellas...etc.
So not sure if I mentioned this before  but my fiancee and his fam(ily) are very Italian & proud of ittt. I get made fun of so bad for never seeing them. I suppose one day.. just hope they aren';t boring lol & yes i realize I am probably in the minority group here of people who haven't seen them..#sorrynotsorry

Seen a musical or anything on Broadway
Not so much into musicals but idk it's definitely an experience. Last night actually I saw Rock Of Ages on HBO and omfg it was amazing so if i ever got to go it would probably be to see that show, plus the music is AMAZZZING:)

Been to TimesSquare
Well umm i guess this is probably why ive never seen a Broadway production. Let me just say that I live in Philly, work in Jersey & have visited New York multiple times so in guess it;s kind of shameful I've never been.. ooppsyy!

Had Braces
Thank goodness for my straight teeth!

Had to wear a training bra
Hm not sure if this is too much or not I definitely had t wear a bra since like 2nd grade. & um i kind of love my assets.. Hey, I have what some girls pay thousands for & i got em for FREE:):) 

Been to Uk, Europe.. 
This will change! Me and Rio (my fiancee) plan on going to Italy for our honeymoon so i deff hope this happens!!

So, what are some things that you've never done? want to do? or never ever want to do?
P.S. Guys it is Thursday afternoon.. ahh one more day til the weekend:) Is it said in live my week according to how long away the weekend is?

-Annastasia xox

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Belated Easter post & THE BUNNY CAKE!

Hope everyone had a 

Happy Easter 
I know i'm late.. oops :( Had some school work to catch up on I am currently running on 
like 2 hours of sleep and it was only because i accidentally kept falling asleep while trying to read my book for class ugh.. but anyways my Easter went well. Got to hangout and converse with family members who don't live close that i don't get to see that often. Got to hangout with my younger cousins which is always a + for me.. I miss them so much babysat each one of them since they were born so i'm really close with them. My Grandmom made her famous "bunny cake" not as extravagant as she usually does it because she has been sick but it was nice to see the tradition came back. My mom says she hates the bunny cake because it has coconut and its dumb.. its been a war for the past year or two between all my uncles, mom and Gram about the bunny cake & yeap as i always knew she was glad to see the cake return and secretly likes it haha.. 
The "bunny cake" isn't he soo cute? he was starting to smear when i took the picture boo but still yummy :) I think next year Grammy needs to bring back the licorice whiskers:) 

The Easter Bunny decided to give the whole family a communal basket this year.. 

Heard about this pic on the radio like the day before Easter, They took this photo at an adoption agency to promote this cute pup! Tell me this doesn't make you smile!

-Annastasia xox
Hope everyone else had a good holiday with their family & that your week is going smoothly:)