Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Hi all :)  
So this past week was filled was some exciting happenings<3 
I got my new phone SAMSUNG GALAXY S4!!!!! I ordered this baby online cause wasn't in stores ugh.. was tracking its every move & was legit singing epic music when it arrived UPS 
excited much? mhmmmmmm :):):)
p.s. It's amazing, i still have to figure out how to use all of the fancy feature but needless to say i'm in love. It was between this and the new HTC One and i think i made the right choice because this has the same exact features and more.

Saturday was the Kentucky Derby. Although I didn't go to the actual Kentucky derby but I live right around the corner from Parx casino so during the day they had regular races and than they had the Kentucky derby at night. This photo above is of my derby hat I made. I had such an amazing time my parents, grandparents, future in-laws and friend all came so we had a good time. We all entered the hat competition.. unfortunately we didn't win :( boo-hoo  it was a bust though the lady who came in first's hat was horrible. lol 
Oh and i didn't win on any of the bets i made but Rio's mom won $200 on the derby so that was exciting:)

My semester is almost officially over well classes are over anyway. This Thursday I have a final and next Tuesday I have 2 finals and than done... oh wait done for like a week and a half and than my summer course starts. But upside if everything turns out okay than I get to graduate in the Fall... keeeping my fingers crossed :)!!!
Ok so funny story me and Rio went to a Mexican restaurant to celebrate Cinco De Mayo we had margs & quesos nom nom well anyways I asked our mexican waiter what Cinco De Mayo actually was and he legit answered and said, "I don't know." Ummmmmmm are you kidding He's like i don't know history i don't know i just though that was so odd and couldnt stop laughing.. goood times. 

Tomorrrow is HUMP DAY :)
Have a good night everyone
-Annastasia xox

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Its the little things...

Helllloo, so I am so happy because while I was bored in my morning classes I was going through my agenda book and omfg I definitley counted that I have 5 days of actual classes left....Not sure if it is just me but this semester has absolutely been one of the most stressful. Probably because I have major senioritis & CANNOT wait to graduate. which I;m sure all of my fellow college students can relate!
So lets see what have I been up too.. oh well last week I had a convention for work which was awesome because it is held down at Atlantic City, New Jersey. Omg I was so excited i made sure I didn't have anything due and took a day off of classes to go. It was great to relax and not have to worry about deadlines and have some fun with my work ladies. Especially since Zoey's passing I have been in a yuck yuck mood. ohh btw I posted this on fb & instagram earlier....
My sister found Zoey's baby picture .. not the original so its scratchy but had to post.
We miss her soo much :( Our rolly polly baby turned into a beautiful adult German Shepherd<3

Of course the sky had to be dreary looking but it was still pleasant. Oh and P.S. Yeahh umm that Margaritaville pic is the newest place they are opening up on the A.C. Boardwalk.. cannot wait til this place opens.. nom nom nom
So during the convention they had a cabaret night, and they got Liza Manelli (sp?) to come and perform.. Isn't HE beautiful? They also had fortune tellers, photobooth, characatures & of course drinks and food. It was a lot of fun. 
So I am so thankful that tomorrow is Friday :) wooohoooo!! Tomorrow movies and dinner with the love, hopefully Saturday I'm going to get my new phone cause mines a pos... mostly the reason why I've been MIA on here lately. & Sunday flea marketing (yes I made it a verb) with the hubby<3 

-Annastasia xox

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

RIP my beautiful Zoey xox

Welp.. I haven't been much into a socializing mood lately.  On Saturday we had to put down our German Shepherd Zoey. I am completely heart sick. She was our baby girl.. I just cannot believe this had to happen.  I know we did the right thing because she clearly was suffering Saturday night when I came home my mom was laying on the floor with her.. she could not breathe the dr believed she had lymphoma of lungs. And a week previous to that she started losing her eye site. It all happened so fast she was perfectly fine 3 weeks ago and it slowly progressed everyday. Im just glad my love isnt suffering anymore. Our other animals who she was practically a mother to, are so lost without her, looking everywhere they are so confused... ugh Can't wait til this week is OVER :(

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Never Have I Ever....

*Never have I ever: Link-Up

Never have I ever;

Been on a plane
I know.. who hasn't been on a plane right? It's NOT because i'm scared at all! I would have to have a window seat so I can take pics of the beautiful clouds, urg I want to do this! That is definitely one of the things on my bucket list! 

Watched one of those gangster movies like Godfather, Goodfellas...etc.
So not sure if I mentioned this before  but my fiancee and his fam(ily) are very Italian & proud of ittt. I get made fun of so bad for never seeing them. I suppose one day.. just hope they aren';t boring lol & yes i realize I am probably in the minority group here of people who haven't seen them..#sorrynotsorry

Seen a musical or anything on Broadway
Not so much into musicals but idk it's definitely an experience. Last night actually I saw Rock Of Ages on HBO and omfg it was amazing so if i ever got to go it would probably be to see that show, plus the music is AMAZZZING:)

Been to TimesSquare
Well umm i guess this is probably why ive never seen a Broadway production. Let me just say that I live in Philly, work in Jersey & have visited New York multiple times so in guess it;s kind of shameful I've never been.. ooppsyy!

Had Braces
Thank goodness for my straight teeth!

Had to wear a training bra
Hm not sure if this is too much or not I definitely had t wear a bra since like 2nd grade. & um i kind of love my assets.. Hey, I have what some girls pay thousands for & i got em for FREE:):) 

Been to Uk, Europe.. 
This will change! Me and Rio (my fiancee) plan on going to Italy for our honeymoon so i deff hope this happens!!

So, what are some things that you've never done? want to do? or never ever want to do?
P.S. Guys it is Thursday afternoon.. ahh one more day til the weekend:) Is it said in live my week according to how long away the weekend is?

-Annastasia xox

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Belated Easter post & THE BUNNY CAKE!

Hope everyone had a 

Happy Easter 
I know i'm late.. oops :( Had some school work to catch up on I am currently running on 
like 2 hours of sleep and it was only because i accidentally kept falling asleep while trying to read my book for class ugh.. but anyways my Easter went well. Got to hangout and converse with family members who don't live close that i don't get to see that often. Got to hangout with my younger cousins which is always a + for me.. I miss them so much babysat each one of them since they were born so i'm really close with them. My Grandmom made her famous "bunny cake" not as extravagant as she usually does it because she has been sick but it was nice to see the tradition came back. My mom says she hates the bunny cake because it has coconut and its dumb.. its been a war for the past year or two between all my uncles, mom and Gram about the bunny cake & yeap as i always knew she was glad to see the cake return and secretly likes it haha.. 
The "bunny cake" isn't he soo cute? he was starting to smear when i took the picture boo but still yummy :) I think next year Grammy needs to bring back the licorice whiskers:) 

The Easter Bunny decided to give the whole family a communal basket this year.. 

Heard about this pic on the radio like the day before Easter, They took this photo at an adoption agency to promote this cute pup! Tell me this doesn't make you smile!

-Annastasia xox
Hope everyone else had a good holiday with their family & that your week is going smoothly:)

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

So What Wednesday!

Found this post/ link up? Through Julie @becoming a Navy wife.. sorry dont know how to tag you yet..
Anyway I thought this was a neat idea & I am full of tons of SO WHATS this week. Haha so ready for the weekend as im sure you all are! So here goes nothing hope I did it right.

So what?...  that I should be doing school work instead of candy crush saga and blogging.

So what?... that I am addicted to 7 eleven slurpees.. legit had one everyday this week.. hey at least I get sugar free!!

So what?... I am getting behind on laundry... oopsy!

So what?... yeah im a girl and occasionally like to play COD

So what?... that I instantly fall asleep when watching tv or movie

So what?... I badly am in need of a pedicure .. its not sandal time yet anyway

So what?... I am a compulsive hair twirler.

So what?... I lip sync and dance to my ipod while on the train next to peeople

So what?...

Hope everyone had a decent Hump Day!!!
-Annastasia xox ♡♥

Sunday, March 24, 2013

5 Things to know

Hey!! So I wasn't tagged to do this post or anything but I saw some other bloggers do this and I thought it would be a good idea, so here is 5 things to know about me:):)

1.) I am a HUGE Country Music Fan. Bascially everything about country. The simplistic way of life, the men (no my fiancee isnt a country boy, more like a complete polar opposite hes a boy from Queens, NY.) But hey! a girl can still look right? hehe I live in the Philadelphian suburbs & our radio station 925XTU every year has a huge anniversary show where big named country stars come and perform. Its usually an all day thing such a blast this year Brad Paisely is the headliner, Lee Brice & Chris Young are also performing. Much smaller show than usually show up but im still excited non the less.
ahhhhh- LOVE himmm & have seen him at the anniversary show a couple years ago!!

2.) I am a complete animal lover. I always of course loved animals i grew up around them my whole life but i mean i seriously love animals i turn into a ball of mush just seeing a bunny prance around my yard or someone walking a puppy. I cant get enough!!I have recently gotten into more excotic animals .. you would be amazed at what you can find just browsing youtube. I of course love my babies at home and am actually currently petting my purring cat sabrina as i make this blog:) but here are two of my current animal obsessions... hope you find them as cute an interesting as me!!
look how huge this guy is! sorry dont know who the old guy is but am usuing it to show size.

(I dont own any of these pictures) I found these on google and just had to share. Both of these animals can live domestically OMG i just love themmm so adorableee.

3.) I make my own jewelry. Beaded & wire designs. I am OBSESSED with accessories & found it so awesome that I could just make my own designs to match every outfit I own.

4.) I love love love going to flea markets.. hate the word sounds gross haha but on the weekends this is one of my favorite past times. I love checking out all of the items in the older section.. you would be surprised what you can find on some of those tables. I love antiquey/ vintage things. One of my favorite finds was my cloisonne bangle bracelets I found such a beautiful design. I actually havent been in a while because of the cold weather and am hoping next weekend to make a trip to one!!

5.) The last thing you should know about me is that i am a complete TRUE BLOOD & DEXTER fan. omg i can't get enough True Blood is so sexy ahh if you havent seen it, it is a MUST! Sexy men, great story ahh love it. Yes it is a vampire show but definaltey not like Twilight. Deff more grown up version. & Dexter is about a serial killer.. (he only kills bad guys), who works with the police to solve crimes, somtimes his own. Its soo good  definatley worth a watch! They both start up in June, if you guys want to start from the begining i know Ondemand has a lot of episodes and also Netflix might be a good bet.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

spring break, flower show, st pattys :)

Hello all so hmm lets see my last and first ever post was a almost a month ago! geez not sure what to blame this one on.. lack of motivation and inspiration? the fact that i'm still new at this whole blogging scene and am trying to connect with fellow bloggers but i have also been busy. At any rate i have some things to talk and rant about. Today is my second day off of Spring Break.. UGH and first day back at classes definatley not enjoying this mainly because of 3 group projects i have to start working on, one being due Thursday.. crossing my fingers for that one!

Recently I went to the PHS Philadelphia Flower Show down at the convention center which i ritually attend every year for about 8 or so years now i would say. If you have never been before it is basically a huge auditorium room filled with wonderfully scented and of course lovely to look at flowers. Each year they pick a different theme this year was BRILLIANT BRITAIN and I have to say this year was one of the better themes they have done in the past. There is pretty much every display that you would expect to see in a England themed show from Big Ben, The Queen, Prince William and Kate of course. Double Decker buses, those guards with the funny furry hats were all included.

Here are some photos I took from the show;.


 These hats were so awesome definatley one of my favorite parts of the show. I love wearing flower head pieces I wish I could wear these!! So pretty ♡♥


i love how the flower show has lots of interesting center piece ideas since I am planning my own wedding or in the
process anyway... lol there is tons of inspiration!

Their interpretation of BIG BEN.


This celtic cross was also at the flower show not sure what it had to do with Britain but it was perfect for St. PATTYS Day! So beautiful.

A picture of me in my green st pattys day outfit & makeup♡♥♡

Didnt go out for anything big since it was a sunday but had a little st pattys celebration with the fam(ily) & fiancee. Had a pretty descent spring break got to work and make more $$ had some fun & now back to reality..ahh..

-♡Stasia xox

P.s.- SWEET REVENGE pictured above is AmmaZzing!!!


Wednesday, February 27, 2013

first blog everr

Hi all
Welp, im not really sure where to begin...I am super new to the blogging world.
I am anxious and excited to try it out and hopefully become successful at it.
These past couple weeks have been so stressful and UGHH so I think for my first offical post since I am still learning the ropes and trying to navigate my way around Im just going to post some photos and quotes of my life, the people in it who mean the MOST to me & random things I adoreee<3

This is me & my love <3 not the greatest photo ever
but its not easy trying to get him to pose with me.. ill take what i can get!

My German Shephard Zoey!


George The chihuahua & his mini me

 My MultiPoo named Poofy- yes she needs shaved!

My baby Sabrina whom ive had since 2nd grade!!

I love to create different jewelry designs, its one of my true passions!
This necklace features a  half of its side, gold plated linked chains that have
a hammered look to them & the ajoining side features large and small beads and metal pieces held and bound together by curled and twisted gold wire.

This is another piece i made for the Fall season.
I love love love this saying. I think sometimes we get so wrapped up in our lives and dealing with stresses we forget that, This moment doesnt define us & one day well look back and these things we worried and stressed over will be such a small part of your life that you'll wonder why you did all the worrying.
**I have this one on repeat in my mind lately..