Wednesday, April 10, 2013

RIP my beautiful Zoey xox

Welp.. I haven't been much into a socializing mood lately.  On Saturday we had to put down our German Shepherd Zoey. I am completely heart sick. She was our baby girl.. I just cannot believe this had to happen.  I know we did the right thing because she clearly was suffering Saturday night when I came home my mom was laying on the floor with her.. she could not breathe the dr believed she had lymphoma of lungs. And a week previous to that she started losing her eye site. It all happened so fast she was perfectly fine 3 weeks ago and it slowly progressed everyday. Im just glad my love isnt suffering anymore. Our other animals who she was practically a mother to, are so lost without her, looking everywhere they are so confused... ugh Can't wait til this week is OVER :(


  1. Annastasia, I completly understand how you are feeling (we lost our shorthair in Oct.) I know its hard, and it sucks and all you can do is remember the good times. Feel free to just email me if you just want to vent, I will listen. Sending love your way <3<3<3

    1. Thank you, I appreciate the kind words. I just can't believe it which in sure you can relate. its also hard too because there are alot of people out there who aren't animal lovers and don't get how they can be just as much as part of your family as everyone you tell them and they just look at u like your nuts. I'm Sorry about your dog too :(
      -Annastasia xox

  2. heyy just found your blog from another blog and it's super cute. I just started one as well although there is not much to it yet. Would love for you to check it out, its


  3. oh no!! I'm so sorry! That's awful! I dread the day that a decision will have to be made like that, my animals are my loves!!

    1. Thank you I appreciate the kind words! It was a difficult decision, we miss her dearly.
      -Annastasia xox
