Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Belated Easter post & THE BUNNY CAKE!

Hope everyone had a 

Happy Easter 
I know i'm late.. oops :( Had some school work to catch up on I am currently running on 
like 2 hours of sleep and it was only because i accidentally kept falling asleep while trying to read my book for class ugh.. but anyways my Easter went well. Got to hangout and converse with family members who don't live close that i don't get to see that often. Got to hangout with my younger cousins which is always a + for me.. I miss them so much babysat each one of them since they were born so i'm really close with them. My Grandmom made her famous "bunny cake" not as extravagant as she usually does it because she has been sick but it was nice to see the tradition came back. My mom says she hates the bunny cake because it has coconut and its dumb.. its been a war for the past year or two between all my uncles, mom and Gram about the bunny cake & yeap as i always knew she was glad to see the cake return and secretly likes it haha.. 
The "bunny cake" isn't he soo cute? he was starting to smear when i took the picture boo but still yummy :) I think next year Grammy needs to bring back the licorice whiskers:) 

The Easter Bunny decided to give the whole family a communal basket this year.. 

Heard about this pic on the radio like the day before Easter, They took this photo at an adoption agency to promote this cute pup! Tell me this doesn't make you smile!

-Annastasia xox
Hope everyone else had a good holiday with their family & that your week is going smoothly:)


  1. Omg! That pic is soooo cute!! I have a boxer and I guarantee he wouldn't have been able to do that! Adorable!

    1. Yes he is I hope he either got adopted or will soon!

  2. Glad you had a good Easter!! I LOVE the bunny cake...Easter bakes are always my favorite :) And that picture of the pup, omg!!!

    1. Yes there are so many cute Easter bakes i found on pintreast that i definitely want to try next year!!

  3. its always nice to spend the holiday with family and im so liking that bunny cake your grandma made :)

    Delightful Ideas

    1. Yes it is I love family gatherings:) & yes thanks it was delish..

  4. what person couldnt resist a pic like that. cute. and I'd be with your mom I dont like coconut.

    1. yes hes adorable, & ahh another coconut hater! haha

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